Posters and Presentations

Please note that this page is a bit out of date (we’re working on it!). You can see Dr Bradford’s CV for a complete list of references.

PDF = link to downloadable article. PDFs are provided for instructional purposes only.

OSF = link to Open Science Foundation project repository for shared data and materials.


Whittaker, F., Respini, S. E., Gilmore, E. M., Tognoli, M. I., Ransford, K., Byrne, L., Xu, C. P., Ma, Q., & Bradford, D. E. Shots In The Dark: Alcohol Dampens Startle Potentiation In A Novel Threat Of Darkness Paradigm. (2024, October). Poster to be presented at the 64th annual Society for Psychophysiological Research, Prague, Czech Republic.

Whittaker, F., Respini, S. E., Watkins, G. M., Gilmore, E. M., DeFalco, A., Peavey, N., Tepe, L. R., Rifkin, E. J., Perez, M., & Bradford, D. E. Lost in the Shadows: a Novel Dark-Enhanced Startle Task. (2024, August). Poster to be presented for the American Psychological Association 2024 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.


DeFalco, A., Whittaker, F., Dooley, C., Curtin, J.J., Bradford, D.E. (2023, October) Risky business: alcohol increases the subjective value of uncertain rewards. Poster presented at the International Conference on Gambling and Addiction, Las Vegas, NV.

DeFalco, A., Whittaker, F., Dooley, C., Curtin, J.J., Bradford, D.E. (2023, October). Spirited Away: Alcohol may Dull Error Monitoring and Encourage Risky Choices. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA.

Whittaker, F., DeFalco, A., Tognoli, M.I., Gilmore, E.M., Bradford, D.E. (2023, October). A Refined Dark Enhanced Startle Task. Poster presented at the 63rd annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA.


Bradford, D.E., Willwerth, S.B., DeFalco, A., Mannix, R.M., Meehan III, W.P., Oldham, J.R. (2022, September). Attenuated general startle reactivity in adolescent athletes with a concussion history. Poster presented at the 62nd annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Vancouver, BC, Canada.PDF

DeFalco, A., Beaman, L., Cutler, J.T., Doran, N., Tognoli, M.I., Perkins, E.R., Joyner, K.J., Bradford, D.E. (2022, September). The dearth of sample demographic description and representativeness in clinical psychophysiological research. Poster presented at the 62nd annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Vancouver, BC, Canada. PDF

Oldham J.R., Bradford D.E., Willwerth SB, Mannix RM, Meehan WP. (2022, May) Acoustic Startle Reflex in Adolescents With and Without a Concussion History: A Preliminary Investigation. Poster presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Lewis, M.W., Bradford, D.E., Pace-Schott, E.F., Rauch, S.L., Rosso, I.M. (2022, April) Multiverse Analyses of Fear Conditioning and Extinction Retention in PTSD. Poster presented at the 28th annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI.


Lewis, M.W., Casteen, E., Frederiks, K., Ostrand, C., Bradford, D.E., Rauch, S., Rosso, I. (2021, Dec). Associative Fear Learning in PTSD May Depend upon Non-Associative Fear. Poster presented at the 59th annual meeting for the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Virtual.

Kim, H., Smith, J., Islam, S., Anderson, A., Kaplan, C., Deyoung, K., Grogans, S., Fox, A.S., Bradford, D.E., Curtin, J.J., Shackman, A. (2021, Nov). The Role of the Central Extended Amygdala in Acute Nicotine Abstinence. Poster presented at the 50th annual Society for Neuroscience, Virtual.

Dev, A.S., Bradford, D.E., Timpano, K.R., (2021, November). Liquid Courage? Affective Forecasts and Alcohol Use in Social Anxiety. Poster presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy, Virtual.

Frederiks, K., Casteen, E., Lewis, M., Bradford, D.E., Rauch, S., Rosso, I. (2021, May). Fear Potentiated Startle to Safety Cues is Related to Anxious Arousal in PTSD. Poster presented at the annual meeting for Biological Psychiatry, Virtual.


Bradford, D.E., Shireman, J. M., Sant’Ana, S.J., Fronk, G.E., Schneck, S.E., Curtin, J.J. (2019, April). Drinking with the devil you don’t know and the one you can’t control: Alcohol’s effects during uncertain and uncontrollable stressors in the laboratory. Poster presented at the 25th annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI.


Sant’Ana DJ, Bradford DE, Starr MJ, Curtin JJ (2018). Risky or rational? Alcohol increases the subjective value of uncertain rewards in a reward decision-making task. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec. PDF

Hur J, Kaplan CM, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ, Smith JF, Shackman AJ (2018). Acute alcohol administration dampens threat-related activation in the central extended amygdala. Poster accepted for presentation at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (AADA) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.


Bradford DE, Shireman JM, Kittleson SJ, Fleming MN, & Curtin JJ (2017). Drinking with the devil you don’t know and the one you can’t control: Alcohol’s effects during unpredictable and uncontrollable stressors in the laboratory. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Psychophysiology (SRP) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. PDF

Goodwin MG, Shireman JM, Fronk GE, Schneck SE, Kayser AD, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2017). Alcohol stress response dampening occurs during unpredictable but not uncontrollable shock stressors. Poster presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Denver, CO.


Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties and inter-task/measure relationships of startle and corrugator response in NPU, Affective Picture Viewing, and Resting State tasks. Presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. PDF

Bradford DE, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2016). The relationships among multiple psychophysiological and self-report measures of negative affect indexed across multiple tasks within the same sample. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. PDF

Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties of psychophysiological paradigms in the NIMH RDoC: startle and corrugator response in NPU, affective picture viewing, and resting state tasks. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science annual convention, Chicago, IL. PDF

Kaye JT, Schneck SE, Kayser AD, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Affective picture viewing task: Psychometric properties of startle and corrugator potentiation. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI. PDF

Kaye JT, Kayser AD, Schneck SE, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). No shock, predictable shock, unpredictable shock (NPU) task: Psychometric properties of startle and corrugator potentiation. Poster presented at the Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI. PDF

Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ (2016). Psychometric properties of startle response modulation in three tasks from the NIMH RDoC Negative Valence System. Poster presented at the Society for Affective Science Conference, Chicago, IL.


Magruder, K., Bradford, D. E., Starr, M. J., Motschman, C. A., & Curtin. J. J. (2015). Alcohol stress response dampening on startle potentiation, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the 21st annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotion, Madison, WI.

Bradford DE, Schneck SE, Coe MA, Curtin JJ (2015). Alcohol dampens stress reactivity but not perception to visually uncertain stressors in a stimulus generalization paradigm. SPR Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF

Kaye JT, Bradford DE, Rohrer CT, Hamilton RK, Kayser AD, Curtin JJ (2015). Psychometric properties of startle response modulation during threat-of-shock, affective picture viewing, and resting state tasks. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF


Bradford DE, Magruder KP, Subramani OS, Marek NM, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2014). Smoking anticipation and actual smoking both lower physiological and psychological reactivity to stress for smokers in withdrawal. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting, Seattle, WA. PDF

Magruder, K.P., Bradford, D.E., Starr, M.J., Motschman, C.A., Korhumel, R.A., Curtin, J.J. (2014, June). Alcohol stress response dampening of startle response, self-report, and ERPs during threat of uncertain location. Poster presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Bellevue, WA.

Bradford DE, Korhumel RA, Makhiboroda A, Grabinski KM, Raupp GJ, Curtin JJ, Piper ME (2014). Anticipation of smoking attenuates stress response measured with startle potentiation and self-report in nicotine deprived smokers. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. PDF


Curtin, J.J., Hefner, K.R., Moberg, C.A., Bradford, D.E. (2013, January). Selective reduction of anxiety by alcohol: Psychophysiological evidence from laboratory manipulations of threat uncertainty. Poster presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Winter Conference on Brain Research, Breckenridge, CO.


Bradford DE, Shapiro BL, Curtin JJ (2012). How bad could it be? Alcohol’s effect on startle to uncertain intensity threat varies by dose and baseline startle. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. PDF

Starr MJ, Bradford DE, Motschman C, Korhumel R, Curtin JJ(2012). Dose-dependent Effects of Alcohol on Attention to Certain and Uncertain Threat. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. PDF


Bradford DE, Kaye JT, Curtin JJ (2011). Not Just Noise: Individual Differences in Baseline Startle are Anxiety Revelant. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Boston, MA. PDF

Starr, M.J., Bradford, D.E., Shackman, A.J., Curtin, J. J. (2011, September). An empirical comparison of commonly used methods of quantifying startle potentiation. Poster presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston, MA.

Kaye, J. T., Williams, W. C., Hachiya, L. Y., Bradford, D. E., Curtin, J. J. (2011, September). Affective response to differential threat probabilities is unaffected by nicotine deprivation. Poster presented at the 51st annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston, MA.


Letkiewicz, A., Lissek, S., Bradford, D.E., Charney, D., Barrios, M., Grillon, C. (2010 May) The Temporal course of conditioned fear-generalization in healthy subjects. Poster presented at the 65th annual meeting of the Society of Biological Psychology, New Orleans, LA.


Geraci, M., Luckenbaugh, D., Blair, K., Bradford, D.E., Vythilingam, M., Lissek, S., Grillon, C., Blair, J., Pine, D. (2009 May). Evaluating Childhood Experiences as Potential Risk for Adult Anxiety Disorders: PD, GAD, and GSP. Poster presented at the annual American Psychiatric Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.


Kittinger, R., Martin, K., Rubio, E.K., Bradford, D.E., & Correia, C.J. (2008, November). The relationship between the use of social networking sites and internet addiction. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL.

Bradford, D.E., Lissek, S., Ramirez, G., & Grillon, C. (2008, May) Studying Conditioned Fear Generalization Using Retinotopic Mapping Annuli in an fMRI Procedure. Poster presented at the 20th annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, Il.


Irons, J, Correia, C. J., Brice, S., Bradford, D.E. (2007, May) A novel choice procedure: Empirical assessment of the adequacy of potential monetary reinforcers for college student smokers. Poster presented at the 19th annual Association for Psychological Science Convention, Washington D.C.

Howard, C., Bradford, D.E., and Buskist, W. (2007, February) Enthusiasm for teaching and learning and links to student performance. Poster presented at 19th annual Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.


Rahn, E., Platt, T., Bradford D.E., and Escobar, M. (2005, March) Inhibition of delay in Pavlovian appetitive conditioning: Retardation test. Poster presented at the Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne Beach, Florida.

Bradford, D.E., Bray, L. Sissons, H., Escobar, M. (2005, November). Predictive vs. diagnostic learning in causality judgments. Poster presented at Auburn University Psychology Department 11th Annual Graduate Research Festival, Auburn, Alabama.

For a complete list of Dr. Bradford’s presentations, see his CV