Blog Posts, Research and Interviews in Popular Media

See below for some helpful resources and interesting stories from the B.E.A.V.E.R.S lab.

-Blog posts about publishing-

Stoops W.W., Pang R.D., Bradford D.E. (2021, September 23). Publishing in a scholarly journal: Part one, the publishing process. Link

Stoops W.W., Pang R.D., Bradford D.E. (2021, September 23). Publishing in a scholarly journal: Part two, role of the editorial board. Link

Stoops W.W., Pang R.D., Bradford D.E. (2021, September 23). Publishing in a scholarly journal: Part three, peer review. Link

-Research and interviews in the news-

Rosbach, M. (2022, December 14). Oregon State researchers find lack of diverse representation in psychophysiology study participants. Retrieved from

Ellwood, B. (2022, August 24). Alcohol dampens reactivity to psychological stress, especially for uncertain stressors. Retrieved from

Pappas, S. (2022, June 1). With traffic deaths on the rise, psychologists are being called on to make driving safer. APA Monitor

Rosbach, M. (2022, January 22). OSU Research: How alcohol dampens response to uncertain stressors Web log post

Sara Gavin. (2018, November, 12) How alcohol dilutes anxiety Web log post

Job de Vrieze. (2018, January, 18). Nearly 100 scientists spent 2 months on Google Docs to redefine the p-value. Here’s what they came up with Web log post

Cindy Lamothe. (2017, August, 9). An Alarming Number of People Don’t Know the Signs of Prescription-Drug Abuse Web log post

Emily Cassel. (2017, June, 2). Painkiller addictions are the easiest to hide Web log post

Christian Jarrett. (2017, March, 26). 5 Studies to help explain why social drinking is so rewarding Web log post

Julie Spitzer. (2017, February, 13). How substances affect the human brain and why we become addicted Web log post

Wray Herbert. (2013, July, 22). Booze, binging, and the devil you don’t know. Web log post

Alcohol dampens stress responses, especially for uncertain threat. Web log post